A Call for Slower Creativity
Break up with the sprint culture in design and innovation and start creating lasting cultural change and boost well-being in your organization by embracing slower creativity.
A Call for Slower Creativity
Design as a common language across the organization
I facilitated a workshop for all employees at Danmarks Nationalbank to provide a shared experience and strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration.
Design as a common language across the organization
- Method -
The four-leaf clover of change
To create change in your life, you need to tap into both conscious and unconscious skills and knowledge. Use this coaching tool on your own challenge or help a colleague, friend or similar to uncover and fulfill their potential.
The four-leaf clover of change
Method - Three principles that set your organization free
To support this important movement, I would like to share a few key principles to get started with creating a more empowered organization.
Three principles that set your organization free