• Speeddating your user while making personas

    When it's not possible for you to talk directly with your user, you might invite them on an imaginative date?

    Speeddating your user while making personas

  • Thing of the Future – A Speculative Warm-Up

    Go to the future to challenge your assumptions, biases and suspend your inner critical voice, by using this tool originally designed by Stuart Candy

    Thing of the Future – A Speculative Warm-Up

  • 5 Step Storyboarding
    – Use storytelling as prototype

    Test, test, test.. You can never test your ideas ioo early or too often. The 5 Step Storyboard is a quick way to communicate your idea and get feedback.

    5 Step Storyboarding
    – Use storytelling as prototype

  • Give shape to your idea – The Pre Concept

    Create Pre-Concepts for your early ideas to better assess what will work and what needs further development.

    Give shape to your idea – The Pre Concept

  • Make brainstorming easy and fun: Brainstorm Sudoku

    The Brainstorm Sudoku helps you frame your brainstorming session and guides you to quickly generate a larger pool of more creative ideas to choose from.

    Make brainstorming easy and fun: Brainstorm Sudoku

  • How Might We… turn problems into opportunities?

    A good question is the best foundation for a creative brainstorm. This tool makes the problem become opportunities for value creation.

    How Might We… turn problems into opportunities?

  • Warm up your muscle of visions

    Sometimes, you need to warm up the vision muscle a little before thinking big. This exercise is perfect for doing just that and getting your imagination going.

    Warm up your muscle of visions

  • The wheel of well-being

    We talk a lot about wellbeing at work, but how often do we go into what it means for us to thrive in concrete terms? This tool helps you define and assess what's important for you to thrive and how to get more of it.

    The wheel of well-being